Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why the heck did I start a blog?

A) because I tend to do everything that mainstream society does... but just 5 years later.
B) because I desperately need an outlet for the random thoughts that appear in my head throughout the day.
C) I have a weird, random and unreliable memory. If I write it down, I might actually remember what I've done in my lifetime!
D) I just wanted to, OK!?


  1. Uh... can we have some examples of point A please? Thanks! Good luck with all your writing! :)

  2. haha Shaina, I was like the last person in the world to get a blue tooth headset for my cell phone, took me forever to get on facebook, I think I got an ipod like 10 years after they came out... lol, I am bad about keeping up on trends!!
