Friday, June 24, 2011


Since the last post was about poop, I figured it was only natural that B.O. would be the topic for the next discussion. But on a serious (super serious...) note, I am talking about B.O. for a second. Ever since having Jordan over 3 years ago, something about my biology changed. I used to be able to apply Dove deoderant and it would last me until I showered the next day (and rode horses and maybe even worked out at the gym in between) no problem. But something changed after having Jordan. I don't sweat any more then I used to, but my regular deoderant seem to wear off after a couple hours. Annoying and embarrassing. Since becoming a mom, I've tried to transition myself to a more organic, all natural, chemical/toxin free life. So buying a clinical strength deoderant wasn't really the direction I wanted to go in. So when ecomom, a natural/organic retailer in Santa Monica that sells products geared towards moms & babies, offered to give 5 free organic hemp-oil deoderants out for mom's to try and review, I took them up on their offer!! And I am happy to say that at 1:30pm, after wearing my new deoderant since 9am this morning, walking around a petting zoo with the kids, wrangling loose goats back into their pens, and shoving my obnoxiously huge double stroller into my car trunk, my deoderant is still working! No B.O., no sweat, and no artificial floral scent emitting from my pits. I think this is the start of a new interest of mine is to try to replace my conventional beauty & every day products with an organic option, and write a review for those mom's interested in making changes towards the more natural, but don't want to just randomly purchase items that may not work. So far I am giving the deoderant 2 thumbs up. If you are interested in the product (I don't get any kickbacks or anything unfortunately) here is a link to the product:

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