Thursday, September 22, 2011

Not that anyone asked....

but I am still here! Man, it has been a busy summer! Whenever we had a free day during the week with no daycare kids here, I've been taking the kids on adventures; petting zoos, the beach, Irvine Park, etc. We also went to Minnesota for eight days, then the hubby and I along with a bunch of friends went camping on Catalina for a weekend. Then at the end of August Jordan started preschool part time, I started classes at Saddleback to get my Infant Toddler teacher A.S. Degree (since I always need to be spending money..) and Brody had his first birthday! But I know everyone missed me (because... since I am never on facebook, who knows what the heck I'm up too ;) ) So here I am.

Now its fall, my classes will be over in a few weeks, Jordan has settled into preschool and Brody is content being 1. Now its time to sit back, relax, watch a couple of leaves turn red and fall off (yes, that is the extend of Fall in southern California) and watch the Vikings crush my soul in another football season (Go McNabb!!... that just doesn't sound right..)

Is it too early to start the countdown to Christmas??